Mcq Test of Subject Verb Agreement Class 10

You can learn grammar lessons here: Although every student in my class has ____ the schedule, one of my students is always ____ late to class. This subject conformity test verifies your understanding of how to use the correct verb form depending on the subject. Sometimes you need a singular verb. Sometimes you need a plural verb. Do you know when to use each of them? Find out with the exercise below. Do you know the glasses _____ of the boy at the back of the class? Here is a compilation of MCQs on the agreement of the free verb for the years 8, 9, 10 of English grammar. Students can practice free Concord (Subject Verb Agreement) MCQs as added by CBSE in the new exam template. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions about subject verb agreement, the answer key for your reference has also been provided. “Furniture” is an innumerable noun and is always followed by a singular verb. More information can be found here. No one in the ____ classroom was able to answer the question of the agreement on the matter yesterday.

Only a few students who played football ____ missed classes. Math ________ my favorite subject when I was in high school. The heads of the students ____ on the order of the structures. Q56. Neither the principal nor the teachers ___________ The jury ____________ All _____________ A number of ______ Q65. She takes the exam with her friends _________ Q18. My mother, along with others, ____ He ______________ Q55. Counsel and Assistant ____ The crowd __ Q89.

Deepak signed the petition with his friends _____________._ After the meeting, he said a lot of advice ____. Q1. Teacher _________ Q34. There is ____________ Q7. A bouquet __ required for the event. Q32. The United States of America ______ Q78. Most workers _____________ According to the news, the shower _______ Each candidate ____ fills out these forms and signs them.

Q17. The quality of the food here _____________ He and she ___________ Therefore, you cannot restart it. None of the photos from the exhibition ____ for me, so I left the gallery. Giving a speech to such a large crowd of intellectuals _ ____ a very difficult action, I suppose. Chris, in addition to his brother Zack, ______ hockey on Saturday. Q9. A lot has been said in the news reports. Q24. Many startups _______ have started in recent years. Q49. Joshua, with his members, _________ really good.

Q8. A pair of __ socks was missing from my wardrobe. The regulations of the administration ____ of the program of study. Istanbul ____ in 1453 by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror. Q. #17) Shouldn`t the correct answer be – All the furniture I bought is now in my house instead of – All the furniture I bought is now in my house since it refers to the plural form here? Q41. The government will be ____________ Many men __________ The ______ event earlier than expected. Q66.

The jury ____________ Each of the two dresses must be ________ No one ____ can escape the final conclusion; Death. Q6. Twenty years __________ the minimum age to complete this form. Q64. This set of questions ____________ Each of the two candidates ______________ Peanut butter and jam __ my favorite sandwich. The grandchildren of the old man he told me a lot about during the trip ____ students to the university now. Q45. Many people __________________ The information provided to you ______ I like to learn the rules of time first, so I need lessons on the rules of times Every student ____ will be responsible for their chapters and every student ____ brings their homework on the day of the exam. Ten dollars _________ is not enough to pay for the movie ticket.

Q22. The book `Management Principles` _____________ The poor _____________ Politics ___________ was one of the controversial topics. Q96. Measles __________ Bananas, but not apples, _________ in fruit salad. The children of the man who works with me ____ broke the window this morning. A close friend of mine ____ asked us a question that none of us could ____ answer. Neither he nor the ____ viewers were satisfied with his answers to important questions. Q14. A large number of soldiers _____________ A. Contribution B. contributeC. contributes to this.

have contributed to events taking place in all regions of the world ____. Q31. It is _____ Q54. Men ______________ The Sovereign and the Minister ___________. One of the main solutions to such problems ____ not to show a reaction to the person in these times. Q4. Rahul and his friends ______________ Q37. Many students _________ to pass this exam. Only when each member of the ____ committee reads the instructions can you ____ bring them into the room. Q5. Neither you nor your sister should ____________ The army _____________ The package ___________ should be worn with caution.

The men of the ____ community do not support the Leader. It may seem very difficult to you, but after the course, each of our students will be able to ____ solve such problems, so you will also be able to do it. And here is the lesson, if you want to check: Neither the man nor his son ____ convinced of the idea. Hasan or Fatih ____ tonight`s meeting. Q33. South Africa ___________ Q94. The chief with his family _________ The police ____ were reportedly called by the thieves themselves to the wrong address at the same time as theft Q4. Why having the option is right and why not. The news he ____ told us all, we are all in a strange mood. Q38. My apps ________________ All means of communication ____________


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