Nhs England Standard General Medical Services Contract 2020

This ready-made statement has been prepared by NHS England and NHS Improvement in collaboration with the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and aims to provide an indication of changes in revenue streams that may affect a GMS practice and a Primary Care Network (NCP) from 1 April 2020. The figures are indicative and do not constitute a guarantee of income. The agreement will have a multiple impact on practices and GPs – the main changes will be highlighted below. Further guidance from the GPCE and NHSE will be published in due course. The agreement will affect NCPs in several ways – the most important changes will be highlighted below. We analyzed the actual scenarios of NCPs under the new contractual agreement, including their revenue, workforce composition, service delivery specifications, and impact on practices and workload. Participation in the QOF is voluntary, but as the standards change every year, virtually all participating practices have to do more work for the same income each year. However, QOF`s significant additional workload has led to significant improvements in the screening of risk factors in primary care in the community, particularly in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease. [12] [13] [14] In January 2019, NHS England made a number of changes to GP services to advance commitments made in the NHS long-term plan. Contract amendments for 2015/16 in England were announced in September 2014 and incorporated into the National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) Regulations 2015 (SI 2016/1862). The main changes included a designated and responsible GP for all patients, the publication of the average net income of GPs and the expansion and improvement of online services. Practices must assist anyone who wishes to enroll in patient-centered services.

[15] All practices must have a patient engagement group[16] A study published in 2015 by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine found that 347 of the 8,300 general practices in England were operated under contracts for “alternative medical service providers”. The study found that the introduction of the alternative contract did not lead to quality improvements and may have led to poorer care. The results showed that PMBA providers scored significantly lower on 13 of the 17 indicators (p = <0.01 for each year of 2008/09 and 2012/13, and were significantly worse than traditional GP practice for two other indicators in three of the five years. [25] The OFQ is a voluntary program that provides funding to support the pursuit and achievement of a range of quality standards by rewarding practices for the scope and quality of care provided to their patients. The NHS (GMS Contracts), NHS (PMS Agreements) regulations and the Alternative Medical Services (APMS) Regulations include the latest contractual amendments for GMS, PMS and APMS contractors as of 1 April 2020. Extended Services – NHS England will order certain nationally extended services using individual specifications. NHS England also has the flexibility to order improved services locally to meet the diverse basic needs of the local population. There will also be additional funding of £10 million to help with a new indicator that supports annual blood tests for patients with non-diabetic hyperglycemia. The total score of the QOF will therefore increase to 567 from 2020/21.

The national allocation of general medical services (general medicine) dates back to the National Insurance Act of 1911, which introduced a pool (similar to today`s “world sum”) to pay general practitioners in a capitation system based on the traditions of a friendly society. General Medical Services (GMS) is the range of healthcare provided by general practitioners (general practitioners or general practitioners) as part of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. The NHS defines what GPs must do as independent contractors and provides funding for this work through agreements known as the General Medical Services Contract. Today, the GMS Treaty is a UK-wide agreement with minor differences negotiated by each of the UK`s four ministries of health. In 2013, 60% of firms had a GMS contract as their main contract. The contract has subsections and not all of them are mandatory. Other forms of contract are contracts for personal medical services or alternative medical service providers. They aim to encourage practices to offer services that go beyond the standard contract. Contracts with alternative providers of medical services, unlike other contracts, can be awarded to anyone, not just general practitioners, do not specify essential standard services and are limited in time. [1] A new contract is awarded each year. Community pharmacy teams must work closely with their colleagues in general practice to provide patients with the best possible care. Effective collaborative work is supported by teams of general practitioners and pharmacies who understand how their colleagues work on a daily basis.

The 2019 contract was hailed as a turning point for universal service. It will last 5 years. For 2019/20, funding of £405 million has been confirmed. The contract provides for changes to the Rurality Index payment and the London Adjustment Payment, so that the Rurality Index payments only apply to patients living in a GP`s catchment area, and the London Adjustment Payment only applies to patients who actually live in London. Babylon Health complained that this penalized their GP at Hand practice, which had invested in technology to care for patients across a vast geographic area. [18] According to the BMA, the agreement will guarantee a minimum increase of 2% in the salaries and expenses of general practitioners and staff this year. [19] In 1976, Parliament passed a law obliging doctors who wish to become general practitioners to undergo professional training. [9] GPC England has negotiated an update to the 2020/21 GP contract. This contract includes: Community Services – CCGs may choose to order these services to reflect local needs and priorities.

CNSP Information Session 012/16: Patient Services Update (PFS) (February 2016) This CNSP information session describes the patient-centred services (PFS) provided by the NHS and GP it systems. These services increasingly allow patients to use the Internet to view their electronic medical records, order repeat prescriptions, communicate with their GP office and make an appointment with the GP. Community pharmacy teams may want to ensure that they understand how these services are used in their area so that they can provide appropriate advice to patients. The component of the total amount related to the supplementary immunization and vaccination service that the practices receive will be maintained in its entirety. This represents £164.5 million in 2020/21. It will continue to cover NHS travel vaccinations and pre/post-prophylactic vaccinations. The resulting 1966 contract dealt with major complaints from family doctors and provided for better equipped and staffed premises (subsidized by the State), greater autonomy for practitioners, a basic allowance for each family doctor with a list of more than 1000 patients and pension provisions. For interventions related to disease prevention, service fees have been introduced. There was considerable pressure from doctors to introduce fees for patients, but the minister, Kenneth Robinson, and BMA leaders opposed it. [5] Despite some changes, the capitulation principle and the pool have survived. The new payment system, known as Red Book, has allowed doctors to recover 70% of staff costs and 100% of the cost of their premises from the NHS.

Maternity and contraceptive services were optional services that involved additional payments. GPs were allowed to practise privately, to hold part-time hospital posts or other positions within the NHS, to work in industry or for an insurance company, although few of them worked very privately. [11] For further questions, please contact england.gpcontracts@nhs.net General Practitioner contracts were originally concluded with local executive boards and then with their successors in family physician committees, family health authorities and primary care foundations. In England, the contract is now between GP and NHS England. In Scotland, GP practices are outsourced by health authorities. [6] In August 2014, it was agreed that GPs in Scotland would have a separate contract with ongoing negotiations coming into force from 2017/18. It is proposed that they abandon the employment of practice staff and “move as far as possible towards a paid model without losing their self-employed status”. [7] One of the main changes to the Treaty is the introduction of the Network Contract as an enhanced directed service. This allows GPs to play a leading role in any primary care network (CFS) and will go live on 1 July 2019.



Negotiation by Agreement


Non Verbal Agreements Clause