Representation Agreement Section 9 Form

Section 7 of the Act allows you to enter into a basic representation agreement that covers your daily daily needs. In a section 7 agreement, you may authorize your representative(s) to assist you in making decisions or decisions on your behalf on some or all of the following: Representation agreements are powerful documents. Although there is no required format, you must ensure that the specific legal requirements regarding the signing and testimony of representation agreements are met, otherwise the agreement may not be valid. Contact our experienced lawyers today to learn more about representation and other estate planning options. Either way, because you won`t have a say, the selected person may not be there if you want to manage your affairs. Permanent powers of attorney (covering financial and legal matters) and agent contracts (which can cover financial, personal, and/or health-related matters) are relatively simple planning tools that can ensure that the people of your choice are able to easily follow in your footsteps and manage your affairs if you are unable to do so. without having to go through legal proceedings. Representation agreements and permanent powers of attorney are two types of legal documents that allow individuals to plan for the possibility of future disabilities. A representation agreement is a legal document. It is used to appoint one or more people as your representative to manage your health care and personal affairs if you become incapacitated due to age, illness or injury. A representation agreement shall enter into force on the date of its execution; Once there, the person or people of your choice can “put themselves in your shoes” and manage your affairs as needed. If you do not have a representation agreement and are no longer able to do so, a family member, friend or public guardian and trustee may need to apply for a “committee” in court to obtain the authority to manage your affairs. Often, a person who is legally unable to enter into an agreement containing provisions of Article 9 is still able to enter into an agreement under Article 7.

A section 7 agreement is usually sufficient to cover your day-to-day care needs. Under british Columbia law, you can still enter into a section 7 agreement even if you are unable to make other legal decisions or administer your health care, personal care, legal affairs or financial matters. If, under British Columbia law, you want to ensure that the person(s) of your choice are able to make decisions about your personal and health care if you become mentally incapable at some point in the future, you must enter into a representation agreement. If you wish, you can also give your designated person(s) the power to make decisions regarding your legal and financial matters running in your agency contract (and under applicable law also important financial decisions such as the sale of your home). Your representative must also keep careful records of the activities carried out on your behalf and share the records with you, your supervisor and/or the public guardian and the syndic upon request. If your representative in your representation agreement has the authority to manage your financial affairs, they will normally have to keep your assets separate from their own. Representation agreements and permanent powers of attorney are two types of legal documents that allow individuals to plan for the possibility of future disabilities. These are tools that allow a person to appoint another person to manage their personal and health needs and financial affairs in case they are unable to do so themselves. The Representation Agreements Resource Centre has an online registry called the nidus registry where you can register your permanent power of attorney or representation agreement if you wish. The fee is $25.00 for installation and initial registration and $10.00 for each subsequent registration. You can register by visiting on the Internet or by asking for help from your family or friends. You can also call the Nidus Registry and Resource Centre for help registering.

Your phone number is 604-408-7414. You may modify or terminate (revoke) your representation contract at any time if you are able to do so. You should review your representation agreement at least once a year to ensure that it always meets your wishes and that it makes any decisions that may need to be made on your behalf, and that the appointed representatives continue to be willing and able to act as your representative if necessary. As mentioned above, in a representation agreement, you can give your representatives the authority to deal with personal and health matters, as well as your day-to-day legal and financial matters. Under applicable British Columbia law, agency contracts may also cover important financial matters such as the purchase or sale of real estate. You can specify in your representation agreement what your representative must consider when making decisions on your behalf and when and under what circumstances the agreement is to come into effect. For more information on powers of attorney, see the BC CEAS Power of Attorney article. As mentioned above, if you don`t have a power of attorney, representation agreement, or other legal document that hires someone to make your financial decisions for you, if you become mentally incapable, your loved ones must go to court to get legal authority to settle your affairs (this is called a “committee”).

Going to court can be prohibitive for your loved ones. If you do not have parents who are able to go to court to get a “committee,” the public guardian and trustee will intervene to make an appropriate replacement decision and obtain a court order for that person to be appointed as a “committee.” Please note that the forms and the information accompanying them do not constitute legal advice. For more information, consult the law or seek legal advice. The extent of your representative`s powers depends on the powers you grant them in your agent contract. When planning for possible future disabilities, people often choose to create two legal documents: a power of attorney that gives the person of their choice (their “lawyer”) the power to manage their financial and legal affairs, and a representation agreement that gives the person of their choice (their “representative”) the power to make personal and health decisions on their behalf. If you choose to do so, your elected representative will be allowed in your agency contract to deal only with your personal and health-related matters – and moreover, only those personal and health matters that you approve in your agreement. A representation agreement is a legal planning document that allows you to select the person(s) who will make important decisions for you or help you make decisions when you are no longer able to make decisions on your own. The person you choose in this way will be called your “representative”. As long as you are mentally capable of doing so, you may terminate (withdraw) your consent at any time, but you must notify your representative(s), any assistant representative and your controller (if applicable) in writing. Section 9 of the Act allows you to enter into a representation agreement that gives your representative the authority to make medical and other decisions that are very important to you, including the decision to refuse life-sustaining treatment. Among the things you can authorize your representative to do on your behalf in an agreement under section 9 is the possibility: Please fill out this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible.

If you do not want your representation agreement to take effect immediately, you must specify in your agreement the “triggering event” that will lead to the coming into force of the agreement and how and by whom the event must be confirmed […].


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