Date Format Day Month Year in

If you wish to gain more control, para. B example, because you want to adjust your date/time information to a specific area, you can use one of the overloads of the ToString() method, e.B. by specifying exactly the culture/region you are targeting: A date and time format string defines the textual representation of a DateTime or DateTimeOffset value resulting from a formatting operation. It can also set the representation of a required date and time value in an analysis operation to correctly convert the string to date and time. A custom format string consists of one or more custom date and time format identifiers. Any string that is not a default date and time format string is interpreted as a custom date and time format string. An analysis operation interprets a double-digit year analyzed with the custom format specifier “yy” based on the Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax property of the format provider`s current calendar. The following example analyzes the string representation of a date with a two-digit year using the standard Gregorian calendar of the en-US culture, which in this case is the current culture. It then replaces the CultureInfo object in the current culture with a GregorianCalendar object whose TwoDigitYearMax property has been changed.

So far, we`ve been working with data defined directly in the code, but you`ll likely soon find yourself in a situation where you`ll have to work with a user-specified date. This is a surprisingly complicated topic because there are so many ways to write a date. The .NET Framework can help because it supports all cultures, as shown in the previous examples, but you should always help the user specify the date in the expected format. After that, you can use the Parse() method to convert a custom string to a DateTime object as follows: The following characters in a custom date and time format string are reserved and are always interpreted as formatting characters or, in the case of “,,, / and , as special characters. When numbers, dates, and times are formatted in strings or analyzed from strings, a culture (CultureInfo) is used to determine how to do this. If you know in advance the specific culture of your dates and your decimal or monetary values, you can use this specific CultureInfo property, e.B. CultureInfo (“en-US”). The custom format specifier “f” represents the most significant number of the second break. That is, it represents tenths of a second in a date and time value. The following example contains the literal characters “pst” (for Pacific Standard Time) to represent the local time zone in a format string.

Because “s” and “t” are custom format strings, both characters must be escaped to be interpreted as character literals. All other characters are always interpreted as character literals and are included in the result string unchanged during a formatting operation. During a parse operation, they must exactly match the characters in the input string. The comparison is case sensitive. To gain even more control over output, you can use the default date and time format strings provided by the .NET Framework. It is a letter used to represent a way to display the date and/or time. For the full list, I suggest you check out the documentation, but for now, here are some examples: Here`s how to divide the input string separately into day, month, and year: This method is similar to the DateTime.Parse(String) method, except that the TryParse(String, DateTime) method does not throw an exception if the conversion fails. In addition, this method tries to ignore unrecognized data if possible and fills in the missing monthly, daily and annual information with the current date. The TryParse method depends on the culture, so be very careful if you decide to use it. This returns a short version of the date, omitting the time part altogether. You can also use the ToLongDateString() method: litSampleDate.Text =sampleDate; The following table describes the custom date and time format specifiers and displays a result string generated by each format specifier.

By default, result strings reflect the formatting conventions of the en-US culture. When a particular style specifier creates a localized result chain, the example also notes the culture to which the result string is applied. For more information about using custom strings in date and time format, see Notes. The offset is always displayed with a start character. A plus sign (+) indicates the hours before UTC and a minus sign (-) indicates the hours after UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted without a start zero. The custom format specifier “t” represents the first character of the AM/PM identifier. The corresponding localized identifier is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator or DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator properties of the current or specific culture. The AM ID is used for every hour from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999.

The PM identifier is used for every hour from 12:00:00 to 23:59:59:999. To change the time separator of a specific date and time string, specify the delimiter in a literal string separator. For example, the custom format string hh`_`dd`_`ss produces a result string that always uses “_” (an underscore) as the time separator. To change the time separator for all dates in a culture, change the value of the DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator property of the current culture, or instantiate a DateTimeFormatInfo object, set its TimeSeparator property to the character, and call an overload of the formatting method that contains an IFormatProvider parameter. For the Thai Buddhist calendar, which can have five-digit years, this format specifier displays all significant digits, but note that the Parse() method is very strict – if the user does not enter the date in the expected format, an exception is thrown. For this reason, it`s usually a good idea to use the TryParse() method instead – it does exactly the same thing, but you can check if the date can be scanned or not, and it doesn`t throw an exception. Here is a revised version of the previous example: This leaves us with the current date and time, which is often very relevant – we will see this in some of the examples to come. However, in many situations, you`ll probably want to represent a specific date and time – fortunately for us, DateTime has several builders to help us with this. Here`s an example: This method converts the specified string representation of a date and time to a corresponding date and time value Try the following: The examples are all very readable and simple. .


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