Learning Agreement Hs Augsburg

Presentation on abroad, pre-application and apprenticeship contract from 14.10.2021 You must take care of the recognition yourself. Please also note that our international office provides you with all the important information for a stay abroad (organization, funding / scholarships, accommodation, detailed information about the partner). Please also use the information and counselling services provided therein. We strive to solve all possible problems in advance. If you are still not satisfied with the recognition, you can contact your examination board, which will ultimately decide on each recognition. You can inquire in advance about possible courses on the partner`s information page. Please make an appointment with the foreign representative. Current forms can be found in the I/O Forms Centre. We welcome it very well if you go abroad during your studies. We are happy to help you as a teacher and support you as much as possible. As soon as you have received your transcript from your host university, make an appointment with the Foreign Affairs Officer. .


Lease Indemnity Agreement