Monmouthshire Delivery Agreement

The supply agreement sets out a timeline for the preparation and implementation of the RDDP and includes a community engagement program outlining how members of the public and other interested groups can contribute to the preparation of the RDDP. Following my email of 14 October 2020 with an update on the Monmouthshire Alternative Local Development Plan (RLDP), I can confirm that the revised supply agreement (October 2020) amending the project schedule and community engagement programme following the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent publication of population and household projections for 2018 was published on 30 October 2020. October 2020 approved by the Welsh Government and can be found on the Council`s website at the following link: email: I hope this update will be useful. If you require more information, please contact the Planning Policy Team – Email: Phone: 01633 644429. Ensures the safe delivery of your child`s application. Your email address will not be published. Mandatory fields are marked * The beginning of high school is one of the most important events in a child`s life. As a parent/caregiver, you will undoubtedly have a variety of questions about this transition. Shortly after your child starts Grade 6 in elementary school, you will need to apply for them to move to high school the following September. Receive an automatic confirmation once your form is submitted. Parents/guardians can apply online for their child`s place at school. However, be sure to read all the information about the admissions process that can be found on these admission pages.

Please make sure you have your Unique Identification Number (UID) on the letter you receive in the mail before applying online. For more information on school places and online application, CLICK HERE. Possibility to connect to our system to find out if your child`s application has been accepted on the notification date Address: Direction de l`enfance et de la jeunesse, Maison de l`innovation, PO Box 106, Caldicot, NP26 9AN For help completing your online application, please refer to the user manual. For our members living in Monmouthshire, we have received the following information from Mark Hand of MCC on the revised Monmouthshire Development Plan schedule. RLDP Growth and Spatial Options Non-statutory consultation: December 2020-January 2021 Consultation on the preferred strategy of the RLDP and second call for applications: May-June 2021 Consultation on RLDP filings: July-September 2022 Submission for review RLDP: Early 2023 Adoption RLDP: Autumn 2023 Unfortunately, all previously submitted representations regarding the initial growth and space options and preferred strategy are no longer valid, because we are re-examining these key phases again. You must therefore submit new comments at the appropriate time in the planning process. Possibility to consult and modify your application until the published submission deadline… Please make sure to complete and return your application before the published submission deadline, as this will not result in such a late determination of your application, which will reduce the chances that you will get a place at your preferred school. . The beginning of primary school is one of the most important events in a child`s life.

As a parent/caregiver, you will undoubtedly have a variety of questions about this transition. If your child has a date of birth between September 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016, they are eligible to start school in September 2020. The Community Engagement Program (CIS) has also been reviewed and adapted in accordance with the Coronavirus Regulations, 2020 and recent ministerial recommendations to reflect social distancing and other measures. The revised supply agreement (October 2020) was approved by the Welsh Government on 30 October 2020. . The timing of the admission round is presented below: The RLDP delivery agreement was first approved by the Welsh Government on 14 May 2018. However, progress in the preparation of the RDDP has not progressed as quickly as anticipated in the original supply agreement. A revised supply agreement was approved by the Welsh Government on 6 March 2020. This modified the plan schedule to reflect delays up to the preferred strategy phase (March 2020) of the RLDP process.

Monmouthshire County Council takes care of all school admissions for our school and all others in the county. While we can provide a reference to locations and spaces at Dell, all requests and calls must be submitted through the Student Access Unit at Monmouthshire County Council. The details are listed below. . Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) Supply Agreement Unfortunately, previously submitted assurances regarding initial growth and space options and preferred strategy are no longer valid as we review these key phases. You must therefore submit new comments at the appropriate time in the planning process. . Planning Policy / Planning Preparation Phases / Supply Agreement If you do not wish to apply online, please contact the School Access Unit and we will arrange to send an application package: this website uses Akismet to reduce spam. Find out how your comment data is processed. . Head of Placemaking, Housing, Highways and Flooding / Pennaeth Llunio Lle, Tai, Priffyrdd a Llifogydd Save my name, email address and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

To view the existing LDP documents (2011-2021), click here. Please note that as part of the Chepstow Cluster of Monmouthshire Primary Schools, we work closely with the neighbouring Chepstow School. However, we understand that parents want to know all their options for local high schools. The following information applies only to applications to Secondary Schools in Monmouthshire. If you are looking for a place in another local authority or independent school, please contact them directly to find out their admission policies and deadlines. As a result, a number of other factors have led to further inevitable delays in the preparation of the RLDP, including the Covid-19 pandemic and the release of the Welsh Government`s (WG) revised Demographic and Budget Forecast for 2018 in August 2020. This led to the need to examine the growth phases and spatial options and the preferred strategy of the RLDP process. These inevitable delays necessitated a further revision of the RLDP supply agreement. Therefore, a revised supply agreement (October 2020) has been prepared, which establishes a revised schedule for the RLDP, including the dates of the following key phases of the RLDP process: The admission procedure for children who wish to be admitted to admission for the following Month of September begins each year in November.

Work on the RLDP will proceed in accordance with the schedule of the revised supply agreement, which sets the following deadlines: Submissions from candidate sites received during the first call for applications (July – November 2018) will remain valid. However, if you wish to guide one or more sites through the RLDP process, further details will need to be submitted during the newly scheduled second call for applications (May-June 2021) to help us assess the relevance of the sites for inclusion as RLDP assignments and the deliverability of the site. We will keep you informed of the next key steps in the RLDP process, including the new consultation and inclusion agreements. .


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