Video Adjective Agreement

We will start this lesson with a video explaining the basic rules for using Spanish adjectives. The person in the video only speaks Spanish, but you can also enable the subtitles (cc) below to translate into English or check the script. This video contains some examples and notes that will be very useful to learn more about how Spanish adjectives work in the language. Some adjectives are used for both sexes despite their ending, especially those ending in -E or consonants, for example: “an interesting libro”, “a fácil examination”, “a chico optimista/una chica optimista”. 2 What is an adjective? Describes a name. The big cat chased away the little cats. In English, adjectives are placed BEFORE the noun that describes it. In Spanish, adjectives are defined after the noun. The big cat El gato gordo Serious students Los student serios. 11 Continued.

To make adjectives plural, follow the same rule for nouns (not z). If an adjective/noun ends in a vowel, add –s If an adjective/noun ends in a consonant, add it. Man: Los chicos trabajadores Boys who work hard Woman: Las chicas trabajadoras Girls who work Hard Some examples of common Spanish masculine adjectives are: Afortunado (happy), Old (big), Bajo (short), Bueno (good), Estupendo (fantastic), Famoso (famous), Malo (bad) and Pequeño (small) Most adjectives must correspond to the noun they change in the genre. When we describe a masculine noun as “Amigo”, we must also use a masculine adjective as “Honesto”. Just like nouns, Spanish masculine adjectives usually end with the -O vowel like “Bonito” and “Creativo”, e.B. “El niño es bonito y gordo”. In addition, some words ending in -R are also considered masculine adjectives. In the previous lesson, we explained the rules for placing adjectives and talked about some situations where they are used before or after nouns. In this lesson, we will learn about another important feature called “concordancia del adjetivo y el sustantivo”, namely the Spanish noun-adjective agreement. Don`t worry, it will be easier than it seems, although you will understand everything much faster if you already know the basics of the name sex and the plural form of the names. As mentioned earlier, Spanish adjectives usually have a singular form and a plural form.

The rules are exactly the same as those used to form the plural of nouns. To illustrate this, for a sentence like “She is a pretty model”, we would say “Ella es una modelo hermosa”, but for several models we have to say “Ellas son modelos hermosas”. Note that all words, including the subject pronoun and the ser verb, change, so there is a real correspondence between the Spanish noun and the adjective, and the sentence makes sense. It is possible to make some masculine adjectives feminine by adding -A at the end when the words end with a consonant, but not in all cases, for example “Trabajador/Trabajadora” (right) and “Populara/Populara” (false). Most nationalities also change gender, including some that end with consonants such as “español->española”. Some Spanish adjectives used to describe male and female nouns are: Amable (type), Difícil (difficult), Fácil (easy), Flexible, Paciente (patient), Verde (green). In addition, most numbers, with the exception of number one, that change in UN when used before a masculine noun, and in UNA before a feminine noun, e.B. “Un amigo” and “Una amiga” On the other hand, when describing female nouns like CASA (house), we must use a feminine adjective like BONITA (pretty) or ESPACIOSA (spacious). and not a male like BONITO or ESPACIOSO.

That being said, Spanish feminine adjectives are the same words with a slight change at the end from -O to -A, e.B. “Bueno” to “Buena”. Congratulations – You have completed the grammar quiz: Spanish adjective gender agreement. 8 Adjectives ending in -eThe Great Woman The Great Man 4 Corresponding to AdjectivesThe Hard-Working Girl The Hard-Working Boy 3 Noun – Correspondence of Adjectives Adjectives must correspond (in gender and number) to the nouns they describe. They can be masculine, feminine, singular or plural. Man: El chico alto Los chicos altos The big boy The big boys Woman: La chica alta Las chicas altas The big girl The big girls Las descripciones y Las características Gramáticas: Masculino y Femenina. Everything has to fit together!. Names/Pronouns In Spanish, they are divided into gender names (male/female) for men and boys male nouns for women and girls….


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